Geoff Thompson ESFLA Young Scholar Bursary

In honour of Geoff Thompson’s immense contributions to Systemic Functional Linguistics, the European Systemic Functional Linguistics Association sponsors a bursary each year for the European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference. The bursary provides support for a young scholar whose conference paper shows exceptional scholarship within Systemic Functional Linguistics

Applications for 2024: Now awarded.

Awarded to: Maria Bîrlea, Doctoral student at University of Salamanca.
Paper title: "A ‘Multimodal Turn’ to Teaching Systemic Functional Grammar in an Undergraduate Classroom".

Recent recipients

2024Maria Bîrlea,

University of Salamanca,

"A ‘Multimodal Turn’ to Teaching Systemic Functional Grammar in an Undergraduate Classroom"

See abstract here.
2023Anastasiia Piroh-Such,

Universität Duisburg-Essen,

"Capturing the Multimodality of Evaluation – A Case Study of Online Film Reviews"

See abstract here.

Anastasiia (mid-left) with Ana Elina Martínez-Insua (Conference chair), Arianna Maiorani (ESFLA representative) and Carlos Gouveaia (ESFLA Chair)
2019Sara Vilar-Such,

University of East Anglia, UK,

"Representation of the ADHD in the DSM-V: A study of the psychiatric specialized genre"

See abstract here.

Sara with Gail Forey (ESFLA Chair)
2018Jesus David Guerra Lyons,

Hong Kong Polytechnic,

"A diachronic analysis of Halliday’s construal of semiosis: a semiotic lifeline perspective on academic writing development"

See abstract here.

Jesus David Guerra Lyons with Anne McCabe (ESFLA Chair)
2017Sonja Molnar,

Universität Salzburg,

"Mirror or molder? The discursive impact of advertising on the construction of cultural identities”.

See abstract here.

Sonja Molnar (second left) with Martin Kaltenbacher, Anne McCabe and Miriam Pérez-Veneros
2016Miriam Pérez Veneros,

Universidad de Salamanca,

“The system of projection in the British Press: Packaging voices in the popularization of science”.

See abstract here

Miriam Pérez-Veneros, Izaskun Elorza and Anne McCabe